
I’ve recently started playing chess with my son. He’s just starting, so playing against him is very easy for me, even though I’m by no means a good chess player. In order to make the game a bit more fair, and thus more fun for both of us, I want to introduce a handicap for me. I found a table with handicaps1 in the wikipedia chess handicap article. Based on this list I created the following 10 levels of play, where level 1 gives the player the most advantage.

I like the versions without giving one player multiple consecutive moves, so the game can start immediately as normal.

level Handicap Eval
1 Queen and pawn (remove d1 and f2) 8.8
2 Queen (remove d1) 7.95
3 Rook, knight, and pawn (remove a1, b1, and f2) 7.33
4 Rook and knight (remove a1 and b1) 6.59
5 Two knights (remove b1 and g1) 5.64
6 Queen for knight (remove d1 and b8) 5.21
7 Rook and pawn (remove a1 and f2) 4.48
8 Rook (remove a1) 3.7
9 Knight (remove b1 or g1) 2.81
10 Two pawns (remove c7 and f7) 2.03

  1. Kaufman, Larry (January 2024). “Against All Odds”. New in Chess. New in Chess. pp. 70–77. ↩︎