


I’m teaching a short course on programming and AI for middle schoolers. called a “talentuur”, (Talent hour).

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Krijns lego sets

This is a list of all lego sets Krijn has, for future reference. Images on this page are from At the bottom of this page are some instructions on how to make a list like this yourself.

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Sunwane Island DND adventure


A weekend together with my old group of adventurers in a familiar vacation cottage below Groningen. The imagined Sunwane Island was the real destination as we embarked on a fantasy quest The boys taking a break on a hunebed

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I visited the AI conference in Groningen called aigrunn. This article has some notes on the sessions I attended. These notes are primarily for my own reference and not very well formatted, sorry!

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Pydata Amsterdam 2024


This year I visited pydata in Amsterdam. Here are some of the sessions I visited with tutorial links, my brief thoughts on some keynotes, and a programming puzzle that really interested me.

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I’ve recently started playing chess with my son. He’s just starting, so playing against him is very easy for me, even though I’m by no means a good chess player. In order to make the game a bit more fair, and thus more fun for both of us, I want to introduce a handicap for me. I found a table with handicaps1 in the wikipedia chess handicap article. Based on this list I created the following 10 levels of play, where level 1 gives the player the most advantage.

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FOSS piano learning

Recently I’ve started to learn to play the piano. There are a lot of resources available to start learning, but where to start? I remembered seeing a video of a kind of game where you could learn to play the piano. Synthesia as I found out it is called, is unfortunately not free, and also does not really teach sight reading. Therefore I considered it more of a novelty than a real learning tool, however fun it looked.

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Advent of Code 2023

This year I intend to join Advent of Code again. While we wait to celebrate Christmas we can solve some programming puzzles together. This year I will join the ING leaderboards. You can also check out my solutions for Advent of code 2021, or see me publish my solutions for 2023.

aiGrunn 2023

This year I visited aiGrunn. I got the tip to visit this event from a coworker. When looking online I immediately recognized the art style from PyGrunn. Overall the visual impression and style was very well executed. I really liked how they integrated the Groninger word for egg (ai) into the design and opening talk. The audience was asked to hold an imaginary egg and respond to a series of questions with “ai”. The final question was a very relieving and self-aware “who’s tired of these questions?”

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Creating a Website


Freedom has taken on a new dimension in the information age. The internet has transformed the way we interact, share information, and express our thoughts. It’s a powerful tool that has the potential to connect us with a global audience, yet the concept of freedom in this digital world is not as straightforward as it may seem.

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