Hi, I’m Alex

I’m a data scientist and engineer with a background in artificial intelligence from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. I’m interested in open source software, Dungeons and Dragons and games in general. I live in Leeuwarden with my wife and kids.

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I’m teaching a short course on programming and AI for middle schoolers. called a “talentuur”, (Talent hour).

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Krijns lego sets

This is a list of all lego sets Krijn has, for future reference. Images on this page are from brickset.com. At the bottom of this page are some instructions on how to make a list like this yourself.

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Sunwane Island DND adventure


A weekend together with my old group of adventurers in a familiar vacation cottage below Groningen. The imagined Sunwane Island was the real destination as we embarked on a fantasy quest The boys taking a break on a hunebed

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